Saturday 14 March 2009

Chinese Hercules film (1073)

In Chinese Hercules Yeung, kung fu fandom's inimitable (say that word three times fast) strongman plays hired muscle for an organized crime syndicate that plans to push dockworkers out of their job, presumably to use the dock for smuggling operations. When the foreman (Wong Chung-shun), backed by his labor force stands up to their corrupt boss in defense of their jobs, Yeung and a ruthless syndicate boss (Fong Yau) arrive with only one response, "Kill 'em and dump 'em."
Chinese Hercules is a misleading international title clearly used in an attempt to tie the movie into the prolific European sword and sandal drive-in flicks of the 1960s. The craze was kicked off in 1958 when bodybuilder and former Mr. Universe Steve Reeves took on the role of the Greek hero Hercules in Le fatiche di Ercole (aka Hercules unchained).

1 comment:

iLb...* said...

I can not imagine a Hercules as Chinese. The truth is that kun fu kick on it would be worth.